Tuesday, September 27, 2011


నటీనటులు: మహేష్‌, సమంత, ప్రకాష్‌రాజ్‌, బ్రహ్మానందం, కోట శ్రీనివాసరావు, సోనూసూద్‌, షాయాజీ షిండే, నాజర్‌, సంజయ్‌ స్వరూప్‌, ఎం.ఎస్‌.నారాయణ, ధర్మవరపు సుబ్రహ్మణ్యం, తనికెళ్ళ భరణి, సుబ్బ రాజు, బ్రహ్మాజీ, చంద్రమోహన్‌, మాస్టర్‌ భరత్‌, సోనియా, సుప్రీత్‌, షఫి, ఆదిత్య మీనన్‌, ఇజాజ్‌ ఖాన్‌, వినోద్‌ జేవంత్‌, భరత్‌, సుధ, ప్రగతి, సత్యకృష్ణ, సురేఖవాణి, రజిత, వినయ్‌ ప్రసాద్‌, బేబి శ్రేయావర్మ, సెంథిల్‌, గిరిధర్‌, ప్రభాకర్‌, శ్రావణ్‌ తదితరులు ముఖ్యపాత్రలు పోషిస్తున్నారు. 

సంగీతం: థమన్‌ ఎస్‌., కె.వి.గుహన్‌, 
మాటలు: గోపిమోహన్‌, కోన వెంకట్‌, కోటి పరుచూరి, ఎ.ఎస్‌.ప్రకాష్‌, విజయ్‌, ఎం.ఆర్‌.వర్మ,
పాటలు: రామ జోగయ్యశాస్త్రి, భాస్కరభట్ల, విశ్వ, సూర్య, సాయికిషోర్‌ మచ్చా సాంకేతివర్గం. 
సమర్పణ: రమేష్‌బాబు, 
నిర్మాతలు: రామ్‌ ఆచంట, గోపీచంద్‌ ఆచంట, అనీల్‌ సుంకర, 
థ`స్క్రీన్‌ప్లే`దర్శకత్వం: శ్రీను వైట్ల

పాయింట్‌: తండ్రికి జరిగిన అన్యాయానికి కొడుకు తీర్చుకున్న ప్రతీకారం

ఎండలు మెండుగా ఉండాలి. వానలు పుష్కలంగా కురవాలి. చలి చక్కగా వీయాలి. వెన్నెల ఆహ్లాదాన్నివ్వాలి. ఇవన్నీ ప్రకృతి నియమాలు. ఇలా ప్రతి దానికీ నియమం పిక్స్‌ అయిపోతూ ఉంటుంది. సినిమాకూ ఆ నియమం ఉంది. ప్రేక్షకులకు వినోదాన్ని పంచడానికి ఏవేం చేయాలో అదే చేయాలనే తపన దర్శకుడిలో కనిపించాలి. ఆ కోవలోనేది శ్రీనువైట్ల దర్శకత్వంలో వచ్చిన ‘దూకుడు’. మహేస్‌బాబు చిత్రం ఇలానే ఉండాలి అని ఫిక్స్‌ అయిన ప్రేక్షకులకు ఆ ట్రాక్‌నుంచి వెళ్లిపోకుండా జాగ్రత్తగా డీల్‌చేస్తే ‘పోకిరి’ వంటి కాన్సెప్ట్‌నుకూడా మరోలా ఎలా తీయవచ్చో చూపించాడు. 

కథ 90వ దశకంలో ప్రారంభమవుతంది. శంకరనారాయణ (ప్రకాష్‌రాజ్‌)కు హైదరాబాద్‌లోని శంకరపుర ప్రజలకు తోడునీడ. ప్రజల కోసం ఏమైనా చేస్తాడు. అతని తమ్ముడు సత్యం (రాజీవ్‌కనకాల). అజయ్‌కుమార్‌ (మహేష్‌) కొడుకు. చిన్నతనం నుంచి దూకుడు ఎక్కువ. మంచి పనికోసం ఏదీ లెక్కచేయకపోవడమే దూకుడుని తండ్రి చెప్పిన అర్థాన్ని ఫాలోఅవుతాడు. 

శంకర్‌నారాయణకు షిండేతోపాటు కొంతమంది అనుచరగణం. ఇండిపెండెంట్‌గా పోటీచేసి గెలిచే స్టామినా ఉన్నవాడు. ఎన్‌.టి.ఆర్‌. రాజకీయాల్లో వచ్చాకకూడా స్వతంత్ర్యంగా పోటీచేసి గెలిచి పార్టీలోకి రమ్మన్నా... రాజకీయాలకు దూరంగా ప్రజా సేవచేసేవాడు. అదే ప్రాంతంలో దొంగ వ్యాపారాలు, దంతాలు చేసే మల్లేష్‌ (కోటశ్రీనివాసరావు) శంకరనారాయణ ఎదుగుదలను సహించలేడు. 

ముంబైలో దొంగ వ్యాపారాలుచేసే మాఫియా నాయక్‌ (సోసూసూద్‌)కు నమ్మకస్తుడు. శంకర్‌నారాయణ ఊరు వెళుతుంటే మల్లేష్‌, నాయక్‌ గ్రూప్‌ ఏక్సిడెంట్‌ చేస్తుంది. సత్యంను చంపేస్తుంది. శంకర్‌ నారాయణకూడా చనిపోయాడని శిలావిగ్రహం ఏర్పాటుచేస్తారు. 
ఆ తర్వాత ఇప్పటి దశకంలోకి కథ వస్తుంది. నాయక్‌ మాఫియా సామ్రాజ్యం విస్తరిస్తుంది. 

అతన్ని పట్టుకోవడానికి ఇండియన్‌ పోలీసు టార్గెట్‌ పెడుతుంది. ఆ పనిని అజయ్‌ (మహేష్)కు అప్పగిస్తుంది. తనో పోలీసు అధికారి. తన బృందంతో కలిసి వారి ఆటకట్టించాలంటే నాయక్‌ బలహీనతల్ని దెబ్బతీస్తాడు. అందులో భాగంగా ఒక్కొక్కరిని చంపేస్తుంటాడు. కానీ. చంపేది శంకర్‌నారాయణ. 

తనకు తెలీయకుండా తన తండ్రితో తన తండ్రికి అన్యాయం చేసిన వారినందరినీ అజయ్‌ చంపేస్తుంటాడు. మరోవైపు ప్రశాంతి (సమంత) ప్రేమలో అజయ్‌ పడతాడు. తన కొడుక్కి దగ్గరుండి పెండ్లికూడా చేస్తాడు శంకర్‌నారాయణ. ఇది తెలిసిన నాయక్‌, శంకర్‌ చనిపోలేదని తెలిసి ఉగ్రుడై దాన్ని నిజం చేయాలని పగతో వస్తాడు. ఆ తర్వాత ఏం జరిగింది? తండ్రి బతికున్నా చనిపోయినట్లు ఎందుకు అజయ్‌ అందరినీ నమ్మించాడు? అనేవి మిగిలిన సినిమా.

దర్శకుడు శ్రీనువైట్లకు తను రాసుకున్న కథతోపాటు మహేష్‌బాబుపైనా చాలా నమ్మకం ఉంచారు. అందుకే ప్రతి ఫ్రేములోనూ మహేష్ కన్పిస్తాడు. అలవాటు ప్రకారం రొమాంటిక్‌గా, యాక్షన్‌ హీరోగా పాత్ర కొలతల ప్రకారం చేసుకుపోయాడు. సినిమా మొత్తాన్ని తన భుజాలపై వేసుకుని మోశాడు. రొమాన్స్‌, యాక్షన్‌, వినోదం.. ఇలా అతని మార్క్‌ (పోకిరి) కన్పిస్తుంది. 

అయినా దాన్ని కొత్తగా చూపించడంలో దర్శకుడు జాగ్రత్తలు తీసుకున్నాడు. ప్రధానంగా బ్రహ్మానందం పాత్ర. రియాల్టీషో పేరుతో అతన్ని మోసం చేసే విధానం, నటుడిగా ఎం.ఎస్‌.పడే తపన ప్రేక్షకుల్ని మెప్పించాయి. సమంత పాత్ర పరిమితమే. అయినా కథాపరంగా సాగిపోతుంది. పాటల్లో అందాల్ని చూపించకుండా నటించింది.

మేకవన్నెపులిపాత్రలకు కొట్టినపిండి కోటశ్రీనివాసరావు, సమకాలీన రాజకీయనాయకుడిగా షిండే, మాఫియా నాయకుడిగా సోనూసూద్‌, కూల్‌.. కూల్‌.. అంటూ ఎటువంటి సన్నివేశంలోనైనా కూల్‌గా డైలాగ్‌లు చెప్పే ధర్మవరపు.. సిన్సియర్‌ ఆఫీసర్‌గా నాజర్‌, నాగబాబు.. ఇలా అందరూ ఈ సినిమాలో మేమూ ఉన్నాం అనిపించారు.

బాణీలపరంగా తమన్‌ రొటీన్‌ సంగీతంలా అనిపించినా పిక్చరైజేషన్‌లో మూడు పాటలు బాగున్నాయి. ‘రోబో’ కిలినాజరో..అనే తరహా పాట ఇందులోనూ పెట్టారు. సినిమా నిడివి 2.30నిము.. ఇందులో పాటలు ట్రిమ్‌చేస్తే బాగుంటుంది. సంభాషణలపరంగా గోపీమోహన్‌ పర్వాలేదనిపించారు. 

కథగా చెప్పాలంటే.. కాస్త లెంగ్త్ ఎక్కువగా, కొంచెం కన్‌ఫ్యూజ్‌గా ఉన్నాట్లు అనిపించినా దాన్ని నడిపించడంలో బోర్‌లేకుండా ఎంటర్‌టైన్‌మెంట్‌లో శ్రీనువైట్ల తీసుకున్న జాగ్రత్త ప్లస్‌ అయింది. చాలాకాలం తర్వాత మహేస్‌బాబు చిత్రం ఎలా ఉంటుందా? అన్న అభిమానులకు ఈ చిత్రం స్వీట్‌లాంటిది.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

'1947 ఎ లవ్‌ స్టోరీ

పాయింట్‌: బ్రిటీష్‌పాలనలో మదరాసు పట్టణంలో 1947లో జరిగిన ప్రేమకథ.

ఆర్య, రియా జాక్సన్‌ జంటగా నటించిన 'మదరాసు పట్టణం' తమిళనాడులో విజయాన్ని సాధించింది. 20 కోట్ల వ్యయంతో దీన్ని నిర్మించారు. విజయ్‌ దర్శకునిగా తొలిచిత్రం. తెలుగులో ఈ చిత్రాన్ని మల్టీ డైమన్షన్‌ సంస్థ '1947 ఎ లవ్‌ స్టోరీ' పేరుతో విడుదల చేసింది.

లవ్‌స్టోరీలు రొటీన్‌‌గా వస్తున్న తెలుగు ప్రేక్షకులు ఇది తీయటి జ్ఞాపకాన్ని ఇస్తుంది. స్క్రీన్‌ప్లేలో దర్శకుడు తీసుకున్న జాగ్రత్తలు కథలో ఇన్‌వాల్వ్‌ అయ్యేట్లు చేశాడు. ప్రతి పాత్రా నిజంగా జరుగుతున్నట్లుంటుంది. ఎక్కడా కల్పితం కన్పించదు. కథలో పట్టు, ఎడిటింగ్‌, ఫొటోగ్రఫీ, సంగీతం అన్నీ సమకూరడంతోపాటు కేవలం చూపుల్తోనే భావాల్ని వ్యక్తం చేసే పాత్రల్లో అందరూ నటించారు. ముఖ్యంగా బ్రిటీష్‌ దొరసానిగా రియా జాక్సన్‌ అమరింది. వృద్ధాప్యంలో ఆమె కన్నులతోనే హావభావాలు పలికించి మెప్పించింది.

కథగా చెప్పాలంటే.. బ్రిటీష్‌ దొరల కాలంలో మదరాసు పట్టణంలో ప్రజలు వారికి బానిసలుగా బతికేవారు. అందులో రజకులు ముఖ్యులు. వారుండే కాలనీలో నాజర్‌ కొంతమందిని ముష్టియుద్ధాలకు తర్ఫీదు ఇస్తుంటాడు. అందులో ఆర్య ఒకడు. కల్లాకపటం లేని మనుషులు. దొరల దుస్తులు ఉతికి ఇస్త్రీ చేసి ఇవ్వడం వారి వ్యాపకం. హాయిగా సాగుతున్న వారిజీవితంలో 47లో వచ్చిన మదరాసు గవర్నర్‌ గోల్ఫ్‌కు స్థలాన్ని వెతుకుతుంటాడు.

అక్కడి ఆఫీసర్‌ మదరాసు రైల్వేస్టేషన్‌కు సమీపంలో గల రజకుల ప్రాంతాన్ని ఎంపిక చేస్తాడు. అందుకోసం వారిని ఖాళీ చేయమంటాడు. వినకపోతే క్రూరంగా శిక్షిస్తాడు. గవర్నర్‌ కుమార్తె రియాజాక్సన్‌ ఊరిని చూడటానికి గైడ్‌గా ఆర్యను పెట్టుకుంటుంది. అలా వారు నివశించే ప్రాంతానికి వచ్చి వారి బాధలు తెలుసుకుంటుంది. గోల్ఫ్‌ కోసం వారి జీవితాలను నాశనం చేయాలనునే అధికారికి బుధ్ధి చెబుతుంది. అయితే ఆ అధికారే రియాను పెండ్లి చేసుకోవాలనుకుంటాడు.

ఓ సందర్భంలో ముష్టియుద్ధానికి దిగి అధికారి ఆర్య చేతిలో ఓడిపోతాడు. దాంతో సమస్య తీరుతుంది. కానీ రియా ఆర్యను ప్రేమిస్తుంది. అది తెలిసిన గవర్నర్‌ ఆర్యను శిక్షించే బాధ్యతను అధికారికి అప్పగిస్తాడు. అదే టైమ్‌లో 47 ఆగస్టు 15న ఇండియాకు స్వాతంత్య్రం ఇస్తున్నట్లు గవర్నర్‌ ప్రకటిస్తాడు. ఇక స్వాతంత్రం వస్తే తాము ఇక్కడ ఉండకూడదని కుమార్తెను తీసుకుని గవర్నర్‌ వెళ్ళిపోవడానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తాడు. కానీ రియా ఆర్యపై ప్రేమతో వారినుంచి తప్పించుకుని ఆర్యను కలుస్తుంది. ఆ తర్వాత ఏమైంది? అనేది సినిమా

Monday, September 5, 2011


నటీనటులు: సిద్దార్థ రాజ్‌కుమార్‌, ఐశ్వర్య, కవిత, రకుల్‌ ప్రీత్‌సింగ్‌, భీమినేని శ్రీనివాసరావు, సుమన్‌, వేణుమాధవ్‌, ప్రదీప్‌, శిల్ప తదితరులు.
నిర్మాత: ఎస్‌.వి. బాబు, దర్శకత్వం: గౌతమ్‌ పట్నాయక్‌.

పాయింట్‌: యుక్తవయస్సులో కెరటంలా వచ్చే లవ్‌ కన్నా కెరీర్‌వైపు దాన్ని మళ్ళించమని చెప్పే కథ.

హ్యాపీగా కాలేజీ లైఫ్‌ను ఎంజాయ్‌ చేయడమే కాదు కెరీర్‌ను కూడా చూసుకుంటే ఎలా ఉంటుందనేది హ్యాపీడేస్‌ చిత్రం. అంత హ్యాపీగా కాలేజీలైఫ్‌ అనుభవిస్తూ... తన తోటివారంతా కెరీర్‌వైపు సాగితే తను మాత్రం లవ్‌ అంటూ అమ్మాయిల చుట్టూ తిరిగితే ఏమవుతుందనేది 'కెరటం'. కన్నడ చిత్రాన్ని రీమేక్ చేశారు. ఎక్కువ భాగం కన్నడ నటీనటులే నటించారీ చిత్రంలో.

కథలోకి వెళితే...
సిద్దు (సిద్దార్థ రాజ్‌కుమార్‌) చలాకీ కుర్రాడు. కాలేజీ జీవితమంటే హాయిగా గడపటమే అనుకొంటాడు. అక్కడే చదివే ఏడుగురు స్నేహితులు. అందులో గీత (ఐశ్వర్య)తో స్నేహం ప్రేమాగా మారుతుంది. సరదా సాగే సిద్దు జీవితంలో ఆ కాలేజీలో చదివే రోబో చిచ్చు రేపుతాడు. గీత కావాలంటే బైక్‌ రేసులో పాల్గొనాలనేది రూల్‌. అలా పాల్గొని గెలుస్తాడు. దాన్ని అవమానంగా భావించి గీతను రోబో కెమిస్ట్రీ ల్యాబ్‌లో రేప్‌ చేయబోతాడు. ఇది తెలిసి సిద్దు ఆమెను రక్షిస్తాడు.

ఆ గొడవలో కరెంట్‌షాక్‌ తగిలి రోబో ఆసుపత్రిపాలవుతాడు. ఈ గొడవతో పోలీసులు రంగప్రవేశం చేస్తారు. దీంతో వారి తల్లిదండ్రులంతా సిద్దుకు దూరంగా పిల్లల్ని పెంచుతారు. తమకు కెరీర్‌ ముఖ్యమని అందుకే నీకు దూరంగా ఉంటున్నామని చెప్పినా సిద్దు లెక్కచేయడు. తను ప్రేమించిన గీత కూడా దూరమవుతుంది.

అయితే అదే సమయంలో ఆ కాలనీకి కొత్తగా వచ్చిన సంగీత(రకుల్‌ప్రీత్‌సింగ్‌)ను ప్రేమించేస్తాడు. ఇదే విషయాన్ని చెబితే... ఛీ కొడుతుంది. తనకంటూ పెద్ద డాక్టర్‌ అవ్వాలనే గోల్‌ ఉందని.. నీకేముందని అసహ్యించుకుంటుంది. మరోవైపు సిద్దు తండ్రి రిటైర్‌ అవుతాడు. ఆసరాగా వస్తాడనుకున్న కొడుకు అందిరాకపోవడంతో చేసేది లేక ఇంటి నుంచి గెంటేస్తారు. అదే టైమ్‌లో సిద్దు స్నేహితులు ఒక్కొక్కరు జీవితంలో ఎదిగి అదే కాలేజీలో సన్మానం చేయించుకుంటారు. ఇది తెలిసిన సిద్ధు ఏం చేశాడు? అనేది సినిమా.

కేవలం మంచి సందేశం ఇవ్వాలన్న తాపత్రయంలో దర్శకుడు, నిర్మాతలు సన్నివేశాలకు పెద్దగా ప్రాధాన్యత ఇచ్చినట్లు కన్పించలేదు. అమ్మాయిని రేప్‌ చేసి చంపేయాలనుకున్న రోబో వంటి వ్యక్తి గురించి పోలీసుల ముందు సిద్దు స్నేహితులు కూడా చెప్పకపోవడం.. కేవలం రోబోను కావాలనే కొట్టినట్లుగా చెప్పించడం విడ్డూరంగా ఉంది. పతాక సన్నివేశంలో సిద్దు తల్లిదండ్రులు ఎందుకు కాలేజీకి వెళ్లారో స్పష్టత లేదు. తొలి భాగం కాలేజీ సన్నివేశాలు హ్యాపీడేస్‌ను గుర్తుకు తెస్తాయి.

వంశపారంపర్య నటుల్లో కృష్ణంరాజు వారసునిగా వచ్చిన సిద్దార్థ్‌ రాజ్‌కుమార్‌ డాన్స్‌లు బాగానే చేశాడు. ఐశ్వర్య ఫేస్‌లో హావభావాలు పెద్దగా కన్పించవు. సగటుజీవి గుమాస్తాగా భీమినేని శ్రీనివాసరావు బాగానే చేశాడు. సుమన్‌, కవిత పాత్రలు మినహా మిగిలినవారంతా కన్నడ నటీనటులే. జోస్వీ శ్రీధర్‌ సంగీతం గొప్పగా లేకపోయినా వినడానికి బాగున్నాయి.

యువతపై చిత్రాలు తీయాలనుకున్నప్పుడు మరింత శ్రద్ధ తీసుకోవాలి. వారంతా పబ్‌లు, ప్రేమలు అంటూ కాన్సెప్ట్‌లు చూపించి చివరికి ఒక సంఘటనతో మారిపోయేట్లు చూపించే చిత్రాలు చాలానే వచ్చాయి. ప్రధానంగా.. పిల్లల కెరీర్‌ను జాగ్రత్తగా పరిశీలించడంలో తల్లిదండ్రుల బాధ్యత ఎంతైనా ఉందని చెప్పే చిత్రమిది. ఈ సందేశం బాగున్నా... కథనం మరింత ఆసక్తి గొలిపేది ఉంటే మరింతగా ఆకట్టుకునేది.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Naaku O Lover Undi Movie Review

Naaku O Lover Undi Review – Naaku O Lover Undi Telugu Movie Review, Rating: Krishnudu, who is yet to bag his second hit after hitting bull’s eye with his debut film Vinayakudu has come up with Naaku O Lover Undi film. This film is directed by Ram Venky on Sri Siva Parvathi Combines banner. K. Suresh Babu is the producer of this film in which Rithika played the female lead.

Listen Review:


Krishna Sasthry (Krishnudu) is a Brahmin guy who leads his life as per the wish of his orthodox father. Krishna wants to lead life like a common youth who wears modern dresses and all. There enters Neelima (Rithika) into Krishna’s life. He goes for a makeover to impress her but realizes that she is in love with an unknown person who saved her from big danger. That person is none other than Krishna but he hesitates to tell that to her as he doesn’t want her love out of gratitude.


N.O.L.U is a routine fare which doesn’t have a hint of variety or freshness in it. Director tried to pull out a successful comedy using Krishnudu’s big frame. He didn’t have a solid script on hands. First half of the film is passable but the second half is a complete let down. There are so many noted artists in the film but none leaves a mark.


Krishnudu failed as an actor again. He is not improving his acting skills even after starring in so many films. Rithika doesn’t impress. Her performance is very bad. MS Narayana excelled here and there. Ali and Venu Madhav are wasted. Producer Suresh Babu himself played the villain role. Rest of the star cast did what they are asked to do.


Raghava’s script is pretty weak. He tried to recreate few successful comedy scenes in this film which didn’t click. Most of the times the writing reminds you of TV serials. Radhakrishna’s music is on the negative side too. Sad to see a music director who looked promising at the start of his career. Camera and editing are good for a low budget film. Director Ram Venky did well to get the right star cast but failed to choose a proper script to succeed.

Final Word: Wait for the home edition of Naaku O Lover Undi. No need to rush to the theatres.

Naaku O Lover Undi Movie Rating: 2.25/5

Banner: Sri Shiva Parvati Combines
Cast: Krishnudu, Rithika
Music Director: K.M. Radha Krishnan
Producer: K Suresh Babu
Director: K Ram Venki

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Keratam Movie Review

Keratam Review – Keratam Telugu Movie Review, Rating: Siddharth Raj Kumar, who belongs to Rebelstar Krishnam Raju family, made debut as an actor with Keratam film. This is produced by SV Babu on SV Productions banner. Gowtham Patnaik is the director. This film is a remake of Kannada hit Josh. How did SRK’s first attempt fare? Let’s get into the details…

Listen Review:


Siddharth (Siddharth Raj Kumar) is a middle class student who leads his life in a jolly way. He doesn’t care about the future and doesn’t have dreams about tomorrow. He and Geetha (Aishwarya) fall in love and she sacrifices her medicine seat to study along with him.

Geetha’s parents comes to know about their love and her father will be left hurt by knowing that his daughter gave her ambition away for the sake of studying with Siddharth. Geetha understands her father pain and leaves Siddharth for studying medicine. After this Siddharth ignores his studies and stops going to college. He falls in love with Sangeetha (Rakul Preeth Singh), but she rejects him as he is not well educated.

Everyone around him settles down in life but Siddharth remains good for nothing and then he realizes his mistakes.


This film gives a strong message to youth to study well and don’t give up education for the sake of enjoyment. This point is touched many a director but is still evergreen as there are students who don’t realize the responsibility even in this super fast system.

Hero’s realization forms the climax of this film. Therefore the hero is seen in joshful mood until the penultimate scenes. Despite having a promising premise at hands, the director didn’t make good use of it. Screenplay is loose and the scenes are too flat. There is no single scene that arrests the attention of audience

Siddharth did well in his very first film. He has loads of confidence and can challenge his competitors if given a good script. He also needs the push from his family for the audience to recognize him. If you want us to give single reason to watch this film, we will say watch it for this youngster who is brimming with confidence.

Rakul Preeth Singh gets very less screen time. Aishwarya is Okay. She resembled Madhavi Latha of Nachavule fame. Bheemaneni Srinivasa Rao excelled in his role. Venu Madhav’s comedy is routine yet entertaining. Rest of the cast is apt.


Joshua Sridhar’s music is fine with two good songs. Background score is neat. Cinematography and Editing are among the positives of this film. This film is technically good and director Gowtham Patnaik has proved that he has command on all the crafts. He got the best out of his technical team. But the script which was borrowed from a Kannada film has let him down.

Final Word: This wave is weak!

Keratam Movie Rating: 2/5
Banner: SV productions
Cast: Rakul Preet Singh, Siddharth Raj Kumar
Music: Joshua Sridhar
Producer: S.V. Rajendra Singh Babu
Direction: Gautam Patnaik

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Mugguru Telugu Movie Review

Mugguru Review – Mugguru Telugu Movie Review, Rating: Mugguru is the latest film from the production of legendary producer D. Rama Naidu, who is making low budget entertainers these days. Director V.N. Aditya has altered his name as Nagendra V. Aditya as per numerology to get back to his hay days. Here is the review of Mugguru…

Listen Review:


Pavan (Navadeep), Maruti (Rahul) and Anji (Srinivas Avasarala) are three friends, who don’t have good educational or financial background. They hope to settle big in life by doing anything. They plan to kidnap JP (Ahuti Prasad), but in turn help him out of danger.

JP gets impressed by them and offers them jobs in his Malaysian company and also promises to get them married to his three daughters (Shradha Das, Sanjana and Sowmya). These three goes to Malaysia and impresses JP’s daughter and when things seems a cake walk for them in comes ‘trouble’ in the form of Bala Tripura Sundari (Reema Sen).


Mugguru is a desperate attempt to make an enjoyable comedy. The director tried his best to make audience laugh right from the start. Unfortunately none of the scenes or tricks carried the ‘punch’ and ‘power’ to make audiences smile. Almost every scene fell flat or annoyed audience, who might laugh at the director’s helplessness.

First half is completely dedicated to establish the plot and few foolish tricks of the three lead men to trap their three girls. Although the interval twist did raise some expectations, the reason given for it right after the interval looked cheap and unfunny. That flashback part was dragged and dragged to eat out enough time to get into the climax.

Climax depends completely on Brahmanandam who makes desperate attempt to make this film look like a comedy, but he too fails due to the very bad writing and unimaginative direction.


Navadeep is good and is the standout performer among the three heroes. Rahul is weak in every department and hardly an actor material. Avasarala Srinivas didn’t have scope to exhibit his skills.

Shradha Das looked hot, Sanjana is mildly hot and Sowmya is anything but hot. All the three didn’t have much screen time except for dancing in a couple of songs and showing off their curves in few titillating scenes.

Reema Sen didn’t look as bad as in this film in the past. Shivaji did an extended guest role which doesn’t make any impact. Brahmanandam did his best to save this film from being a disaster and Ali’s comedy hardly works. Ahuti Prasad and others are just there to fill in few characters.
Mugguru Movie Review

Music by Koti is as loud as the comedy in this film. Background score is bad. Cinematography and editing reminds you of masala films that were made in the late eighties. V.N. Aditya once again fails as a director. His attempt at comedy proves a fact that he can’t handle comedy.

Final Word: It will be hard to find at least “Mugguru” who will say ‘three’ good things about this film.

Box office verdict: Making on a shoestring budget is the only plus point for this film to survive at the box office.

Mugguru Movie Rating: 1.75/5
Banner: Suresh Productions
Cast: Rahul, Soumya, Avasarala Srinivas, Reema Sen , Navadeep, Sanjana, Venu Madhav, Dharmavarapu Subrahmanyam, Brahmanandam, Ali
Music: Koti
Producer: D Ramanaidu
Director: V.N.Aditya

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dhada Movie Review

Dhada Movie Review: Naga Chaitanya's latest film Dhada is out in theaters now. After delivering back to back hits with two soft love stories, Chaitanya groomed himself into a mass hero with a time tested formula movie Dhada. Ajay Bhuyan directed this movie on Shri Kamakshi enterprises banner. Shiva Prasad Reddy who produced numerous movies with Nagarjuna till now has made this film with Nag's son. Dhada raised many expectations and has been carrying positive buzz prior to release. Did it live up to the expectations? Check out Dhada review...
Listen Review:


Vishwa (Naga Chaitanya) and Rajeev (Sriram) are brothers who love each other very much. Vishwa who is an adventurous guy falls for a multi millionaire's daughter Rhea (Kajal). Rhea's father (Mukesh Rushi) fixes her marriage with a billionaire. Meanwhile, Vishwa saves a girl from a gang of thugs which in turn affects the multi crore business of human trafficking run by RD (Rahuil Dev) and Kelly (Kelly Dorjee). RD starts to hunt for Vishwa and then the movie ends on an expected noted after the director throws in few twists and turns.


Dhada has the style, grandeur, capable star cast and excellent technical crew, but what it lacks is a solid script. The plot itself is a very familiar and uninteresting one. Even the screenplay isn't engaging at all. Right from the word go, the movie tests the audience patience and turns torturous with each passing minute. Director has gone for all style little substance kind of film, which doesn't appeal to any section of audience.

The richness in the film and the exotic visuals are the only saving grace. Even the characters are under developed and due to that an able star cast gone wasted. The film drags and drags on in the second hour that few audiences in the auditorium lost patience and started booing. The last half an hour is extremely unbearable as the director tried his level best to make things interesting. Dialogue writer's inefficiency added to the woes.

Music is not bad and not good either. None of the songs were picturized well too. Awful makeup of Kajal didn't help the proceedings. On a whole, Dhada is a pretty badly made film with crores of money spent by the producer on absolutely nothing.


Naga Chaitanya tried to prove himself as a good mass hero. But he needs to wait for some more time to look old enough to take up such roles. His diction is so bad in few scenes in alright at times. He can't pronounce few Telugu words perfectly and that is not a welcome sign for a Telugu hero. He worked a bit on his dances and fights. He is just okay with them.

Kajal's role looked like as if it was written after Titanic heroine's role. She did fine as a damsel in distress. But the makeup and styling of her not at all good. She looked awkward with that barbie doll kind of hairstyle.

Rahul Dev's character is not properly etched. Kelly Dorjee is typecast yet again. Sriram looked weak and uninterested throughout the film. Sameeksha switched to character roles with this film. Brahmanandam did everything possible to make the audience laugh but hardly succeeded. Ali too is wasted and so are the comedians who did few cameo appearances.


Dialogues by Abburi Ravi didn't have the necessary zing. His work ranged from ordinary to hopeless in this film.
Music by Devi Sri Prasad is standard. None of the songs have the repeat value. Background score is not so great. Cinematography is slick and probably the best of the technical departments. Editing is not up to the mark. Production values are rich.

Director Ajay Bhuyan can make a film stylishly and that is what the impression you get on him after watching Dhada. He needs to work on various departments to call himself a director.

Plus Points:

- Richness and visuals
- Slick cinematography

Minus points:

- Weak script
- Poor direction

Final Word: Dhada for audience and also the buyers!

Box office predictions: It should open good due to lack of watchable Telugu films in the recent past. But the film didn't have a single plus to survive at the box office. Lot will depend on tomorrow's release Kandireega.

Dhada Review rating: 2/5

Banner: Sri Kamakshi Enterprises
Cast: Naga Chaitanya, Kajal Aggarwal, Brahmanandam, Samiksha
Music: Devi Sri Prasad
Producer: D. Siva Prasad Reddy
Story, Director: Ajay Bhuyan

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

180 Movie Review


          Actor Siddharth who has been running through rough patch in his career has pinned so many hopes on this movie. This is a bilingual and also a sort of reentry for Siddharth in Tamil. Ad guru Jayendra is the director of this movie. Let us see if Siddharth’s long wait for a hit is fulfilled with this 180 film or not in this review…


       Ajay a.k.a. Mano (Siddharth) comes from nowhere and rents a house for six months. He starts to enjoy every moment of his life by playing with poor kids and helping them in every possible way. Vidya (Nithya Menon), a photo journalist falls in love with him and expresses her feelings to him at a point and Ajay try to go away from her. But as she meets with an accident and as the doctors say that she need a spinal cord surgery, Ajay takes Vidya along with him to US. Who is Ajay? Where does he come from? Why did he try to run away from her? Are the questions better answered onscreen!


Director felt that he has hidden the major twist in the film until the third act but anybody could guess what the hero has been going through by the visuals and the dialogs itself. Hence the suspense factor when it gets revealed in the last hour didn’t click.

The film opens on a dull note and moves ahead at a leisurely pace which gets stuck at times. The narration is snail paced and bores you to the core at times. Hero’s social awareness goes overboard and irks you. Only saving grace in this movie is Priya Anand’s character which is cute and lovable. Sadly, she too turns crybaby in the last hour and the film turns out to be an absolute nightmare from then on. Lack of comedy is another minus as the films gets too heavy in the second hour.

Hero’s hallucinations of Lord Yama dressed up in a long coat are very silly. 180 is good in very few parts and mostly boring. Only people who are inclined towards watching tragedies will like this.

There is nothing new in this movie as we have seen similar plot in many movies. Chakram and Oy are the recent past movies which also are made on the similar lines. Strangely Siddharth is the hero in Oy and he has once again tried the same subject in a different angle! The result this time would be even worse.


Siddharth is good as a fun loving guy. But his act as a tragic-struck man is not so convincing. His body language and expressions are not up to the mark in those scenes. He excelled in the climax scene in which he talks with his friend on phone.

Nithya Menon once again comes up with a good show. She is very talented. She has to keep a check on her weight though. Priya Anand did well in a role which has two shades. This is her best performance to date. Tanikella Bharani is Okay. Rest of the star cast did fine.


Umarji Anuradha’s dialogs are simple and straight. However there are few grammatical errors that make this film sound like a dubbed one. Bala Subramaniam’s cinematography is the major asset. The ultra slow motion technique used in ‘Vayasika Raadu’ song is brilliant. Every frame is rich and vibrating.

Editing is up to the mark. Music by Sharreth is good. Background score is a plus and the songs gelled well with the narrative. Production values are top notch. Director Jayendra is a very good technician and it can be seen in almost every frame. But the subject he has chosen to make his first film is not a convincing one. It is one of the few subjects which is beaten to the death.

Plus Points:

- Cinematography
- Background score
- Lead actors performance

Minus points:

- Snail paced narrative
- Very old plotline
- Heavy second hour

Final Word: 180 – Boring journey at a speed of 180 centimeters per hour!

Box office predictions: 180 might seem fine to the A center crowds due to the content and visual splendor. Even they will feel second half a bit torturous. It is a complete no no to mass audience and masala seekers. It is likely to end up below Oy among Siddharth’s movies.

180 Review rating: 2.5/5

Banner: Sathyam Cinemas, Aghal Films
Casting: Nithya Menon, Priya Anand, Siddharth
Music: Sharreth
Producer: Sathyam Cinemas, Aghal Films
Direction: Jayendra

Friday, June 17, 2011

Vaadu Veedu Movie Review


                  Director Bala, who makes non-formulaic yet commercial films with characters that we don’t come across too often, has now come up with Avan Ivan, which was dubbed in Telugu as Vaadu Veedu. Bala said that he has tried an entertainer in his style. So, did he succeed in churning out an entertainer with his type of characters? Know the details in Avan Ivan, i.e. Vaadu Veedu review…


Walter (Vishal) and Dandalu Saami (Arya) are thieves and also stepbrothers. They are so much attached to Highness (GM Kumar) who has no one to take care of except Walter and Saami. Highness is like the protector of that village. He lives life like a king. One day Highness confronts with a wrongdoer (RK), who comes to seek revenge. What happens next forms the climax of this film.


Bala who never tried his hand at comedy tried to make a comedy entertainer with some typical characters that are seen in rural Tamilnadu. The take off of the movie and the introduction of characters is good. The flow seems smooth until a point and suddenly we start feeling that this film is heading nowhere. The director never raises a conflict even at the interval point.

We feel that Bala is trying to make a time pass entertainer where the conflict will only be raised in the second half of the film. But even in the second half the story never moves from the starting point. Only towards the end there enters a negative character any person with head on shoulders would predict what happens next.

This is by far the weakest movie that Bala has ever made. It neither has a script nor a strong base. All the characters are underdeveloped. Most of the scenes are irrelevant to the subject. Also the best parts of the film resemble Siva Putrudu (Pitamagan) and hence lack any freshness.

Real Bala is only seen in the climax scenes but that too seems very forced and completely unwanted. The film ends abruptly and that is another drawback.


Vishal steals the show with his wonderful performance. He has put in so much pain and efforts to play this character. His performance in the scene where he shows navarasas stands as a strong example for his talent. Arya was not given much importance. He did his part well. Janani Iyer is cute and Madhu Shalini doesn’t have much scope. GM Kumar’s performance is natural. Ambika and Prabha lived up to their characters. Rest of the star cast is fine with their job.


Yuvan Shankar Raja’s music is good. Although there aren’t any songs that can be remembered, his background score is brilliant. Aurthur A Wilson’s cinematography is topnotch. Suresh Urs editing is okay.

Bala penned the story and screenplay and he has utterly failed in this department. Although the director in him came to rescue the film at times, the writing has let the film down. Bala’s mark can be seen in few scenes but it will disappoint his fans on a whole due to soulless and pointless script.

Plus Points:

  • Vishal’s performance
  • Background score
  • Few entertaining scenes in the first half

Minus points:
  • Story and screenplay
  • Boring second half
  • Pointless narration

Final Word: Vaadu Veedu – A rare bad film from Bala

Box office predictions: Vaadu Veedu opened well due to Bala factor and interesting promotion. It is likely to lose the steam pretty soon. Avan Ivan might not be a damp squib at the box office as the nativity factor might work with Tamil audience.

Vaadu Veedu (Avan Ivan) Review rating: 2/5

Banner: AGS Entertainments Pvt Ltd
Cast: Aarya, Madhu Shalini, Vishal
Music: Yuvan Shankar Raja
cinematography: A Wilson
Producer: Vikram Krishna
Direction: Bala

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Allu Arjun's latest movie badrinath raised so many expectations due to its package and publicity. The film looked like a blockbuster written all over it. Even the makers confidence suggested the same. With aggressive publicity Badrinath is surrounded by huge hype and the expectations continued to scale new heights by the day. So, is it up to the expectations? Did it live up to the hype? Let's uncover Badrinath review...


Badri (Allu Arjun) is one of the disciples of Bheeshma (Prakash Raj), who is a guru of ancient martial arts. Badrinath grows up into a strong fighter under Bheeshma's rigorous training. He will be appointed as the 'kshetra palakudu' (protector) of Badrinath temple. Alakananda (Tamanna), an atheist comes to Badrinath along with her grandfather. Badri learns that she is in big trouble due to Sarkar (Kelly Dorjee). Alakananda slowly realizes the greatness of Badrinath and turns a devotee. She also falls for Badri who doesn't reciprocate to her love. Bheeshma decides to make Badri his successor by handing over the responsibility of Takshasila. For that Badri has to remain bachelor forever. Not aware of his guru's decision and Alakananda's real feelings towards him Badri gives her a word that he will help her to visit Barinath temple again as she has to do that to make her wish come true. Alakananda prays Lord Badrinath to help her succeed in her love. Bheeshma takes a word from Badrinath that he would take up his duties as a true successor to him. So who wins? How does Badrinath overcomes this contrasting situation?


Badrinath starts on a bright note. The introduction of temples and the visuals are splendid. But immediately it takes a predictable path with some poorly etched characters and scenes. You will hardly find Badrinath being troubled in the training. The training process looks just ordinary. The confrontation between hero and heroine is regular. Nothing new or interesting. The film moves on with a silly flashback episode revealing the troubles of heroine. From then on the movie moves on with a sole reason, that is to find the interval point.

In between there is a fight where Badri goes and kills tens of terrorists with his sword. He simply evades all the bullets with a swing of his sword. It is over the top action which would not be liked by the die hard fans even. Interval episode is too predictable and the action episode goes on for ages during that period. Second half starts on a dull note with hardly any engaging scenes. Song after song follows with a heavily censored fight sequence in between. The film heads to climax with literally nothing happening post interval. Climax is a big let down.

This film is set in current era and that is the biggest logical error as you wouldn't find security and police around Badrinath temple. Even when hundreds of people gets killed there is no sign of police anywhere. The hero goes on a killing rampage in a railway station and the director doesn't care of bringing cops into the scene. Right from the concept of keeping the protagonist as protector to Badrinath temple, this film lacks logic in everything. So called commercial elements didn't work due to weak script.

This film doesn't have any comparisons with Magadheera as the public believed but it has stark resemblance to Shakti movie starring NTR. Like that this film too falls flat on most aspects except for grandeur and a couple of songs.


Allu Arjun does the same and speaks like he does in every film despite his awkward costumes and hairstyle. He didn't try to get into the skin of the character as it is no different from his usual roles. His dances are the highlight and probably the only selling factor for this film. Tamanna liberally showed off her skin and helped her part to up the masala dose. Prakash Raj is Okay but his makeup is pretty bad. Kelly Dorjee is wasted and the woman who played his wife is over the top all the time. The man who played their son is a miscast. Raghubabu is regular and repeating Indra's comedy track with Brahmanandam didn't work. Rao Ramesh, Tanikella Bharani didn't have much scope.


Keeravani's songs lack freshness but are good on screen. Thanks to electrifying dances of Allu Arjun. Background score is good but Keeravani failed to recreate his Magadheera magic. Cinematography is good. The visuals of Badrinath stays with you. Art work is fine in parts. Editing is Okay. Story and screenplay written by Chinni Krishna lacks the punch and freshness. Dialogues are mediocre. Action part is another minus as all the fights looked artificial. Production values are good.

VV Vinayak disappoints big time and one cannot completely put blame on him. The problem is with the lackluster script. He couldn't do much with it. He failed in incorporating commercial ingredients too.

Plus Points:

- Badrinath backdrop
- Allu Arjun dances
- Tamanna's glamor
- Few songs

Minus points:

- Story and screenplay
- Over the top action
- Lack of entertainment
- Weak second hour and poor climax

Final Word: Badrinath – This film does justice to the first three letters in its title.

Box office predictions:

Badrinath lets the audience down who go to the movie expecting a magnum opus. Even if you are in for a regular commercial potboiler it fells short of expectations. It may survive in mass centers due to the never ending fights and mass frenzy songs. It needs a miracle to be a break even at the box office.

Badrinath Review rating: 2.5/5
Banner: Geetha Arts
Cast: Allu Arjun, Tamannaah Bhatia, Prakash Raj
Music: M.M.Keeravani
Cinematography: Ravi Varman
Story: Chinni Krishna
Producer: Allu Aravind
Director: V.V.Vinayak

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

" Maro" - Hero Nitin


               Young Hero Nitin tried his luck yet again in the summer race with the movie Maro under the banner Sri Rajeshwarii Films produced by Mamiladala Srinivas, venu and others directed by malyalam director Siddik.Meera Chopra acted as the female lead in the movie and music is by Mani Sharma and dialogs are by Chintapalli Ramana,Maro came out facing all the odds created by Meera Chopra and was delayed and at last released.

click to download the songs  
1)Ammo Ammammo
2)Kannulu Mosse
3)Picasso Sathiya
4)Vennela Veedhilona


               A theft will happen in a Bank in the city in which a girl dies and the manager of the bank commits suicide,the robbery involves Raj Mohan (Abbas) and Kota Srinivas Rao(Ex Minister) and Sundaram (Nitin ) belongs to the family which is effected by the theft,he meets Meera Chopra and the rest is all about how sundaram faces the consequences in the process of proving that Raj Mohan is the culprit.


                The movie which starts of with some confusion goes smooth later for a while, director should be appreciated for his excellent screenplay which created a doubt whether hero is the villain and villain is the hero but after which the movie gets back to the routine nitin movie without much entertainment testing the patience of the audience, since the movie was not released from a long time almost all the technicians who worked for the film will not be getting any name for the work and Manisharma music is good but the picturization is average and Dialogs of Chintapalli Ramana creates ribbles when needed.

             Nitin who is bored of routine characters looks new on the screen and his acting still gives us impression for lot of improvement and the heroine is the one who is mostly effected with the movie because if the movie is released on time she would have been credited for her work in the film, Kota and Abbas have acted well and Ali, Venu Madhav, Krishna Bhagwan managed to pull out some laughs.

Plus Points:

- New screen play

Minus Points:

- Confusion in the story, Routine climax and movie delay 

Final Word:      The movie which is released now would have got an average talk if at all its release on time ,the worst part of the movie is it has the equal amount of plus and minus points and Nitin's wait for a hit continues

Rating: 2.25/5
Banner: Sri Rajeswari Films
Casting: Nitin, Meera Chopra
Direction: Siddik
Music: Mani Sharma
Producer: K.Sagar, M.Srinivas

Friday, June 3, 2011


            Bubloo is directed by Ravi Charan Reddy and Aditi Sharma acted as the female lead in the movie, Brahmanandam, Chalapathi Rao and other did important roles in the movie and music is by Chakri, Lets check the review of the movie.


The movie starts off with Veera Badhram (Ahuti Prasad) killing a young lad who loves his daughter and then Hero Bubloo (Mano Tej) entrance is by fighting with Veerabadhram followers for messing up with the college lecturer. Bubloo leaves the city due to the fight and meets Puja.

They become good friends after a small misunderstanding and both love each other but don't express it, and after that Veera Badhram will be killed by Puja's uncle who plans to marry her and she flees from the place and takes shelter in Bubloos place and Bubloo faces a issue in the house because none of his 3 elder brothers will not marry because they don't like women and rest of the story deals with how Bubloo convinces his brothers to marriage.


This is basically a movie made to project a film lover called Mano Teja as a hero and when considered the producers dream of seeing their son as hero it is fulfilled but failed to impress the audience, they face great difficulty in understanding the logic of the movie its because the movie is not made with a proper story but is made only to project the hero but this attempt also failed badly because director failed to make a hero oriented film and made a movie which has no logic, The director who handled the story, screenplay and dialogs of the movie `failed in every part but the movie is technically good and music by Chakri is average.


Debutant hero Manotej failed at every end as an actor, his action is very reckless in some scenes and as usual Shivaji voice dominated the new comer, If Manotej wants to establish as a hero he need to do a makeover and Aditi Sharma utilised the oopurtunity, Brahmanandam produced the same old routine comedy and managed to pull out some laughs and Ali, Raghu Babu, Krishna Bhagwan charecters were useless. Ahuti Prasad, Chalapati Rao, Mukhul Dev, Vinodh Kumar and others played their part in the movie.

Plus Points :

- Production and Technical Values were good

Minus Points:

- Routine story
- poor direction
- worst action are the minus to the movie.

Final Word: Telugu Audience who are facing lot of struggle watching successors of Film hero's established by now are now going to suffer more because Rich people have started introducing their successors to the silver screen.

Rating: 2/5

Banner: S.P.J Creations
Cast: Mano Tej, Aditi Sharma, Brahmanandam
Music: Chakri
Producer: Guduru Jhansirani
Direction:G Ravicharan Reddy

Friday, May 27, 2011

Vaishali Review


       Shankar has produced few gems on his S pictures banner in Tamil. Premisthe is one of those movies which was dubbed in Telugu and went on to become a super hit. Vaishali is the Telugu dubbed version of Eeram (Dampness) which was a critically acclaimed commercial hit in Tamil. Arivazhagan is the director of this movie. Dil Raju bought the Tamil dubbing rights of this movie and Vaishali is out in theatres from today. Here is the review…


        Vaishali (Sindhu Menon) commits suicide in her flat by drowning herself in a bath tub. This case will be taken up by ACP Vasudev aka Vasu (Adi), who feels that this cannot be a suicide. Vaishali and Vasu were ex lovers and the reasons for Vaishali killing herself doesn’t seem believable to him. He starts to dig deep into the case and meanwhile more killings take place in the same apartment. Vasu comes to know about a shocking truth about who the murderer is. You have to watch the movie to know who it is.


As a story Vaishali is clichéd and mediocre one. But the treatment and screenplay makes it worth a watch. It falls under horror/thriller genre with more dose of drama. As the director himself claims in a scene that this story is about a modern Seetha who proves her chastity, Vaishali is loosely based upon an incident in Ramayana.

Also there are many Hollywood thriller films which come to viewer’s mind while watching it. The killing pattern reminds you of Final Destination and few eerie scenes involving water looks like they were straight out of ‘Dark Water’.

Leaving those aside, Vaishali is an absolute cracker of a ride especially in the first half. It is breathtaking and engaging one hour in which the director cleverly interlaced the present and past. Although it might be quite confusing for masses, people with a little extra IQ will appreciate director’s efforts.

But the flashback part is dragging and it is filled with overdose of drama which is uncalled for. That part is prolonged too much and spoiled the fun of a thriller. That is so predictable to be dealt in detail. Also the climax looks forced and out of place.

We can ignore minor glitches in the movie as it is a well made movie which is definitely worth the ticket



Aadi who made his debut with Oka Vichitram has settled down in Tamil cinema. He is good and fits the role of a cop perfectly. Sindhu Menon is good. Her eyes do all the talking. Nandha as Vaishali’s husband is good. Srinath and Saranya Mohan did their part well. All others helped for the story to proceed further.


Sashank Vennelakanti did a god job with the dialogue. Thaman’s background score is fine and his songs gelled well with the proceedings. Cinematography by Manoj Paramahamsa is the major asset. The rain and scenes involving water are shown in aesthetic fashion. Kishore editing is brilliant in first half and could’ve been sharper in the second half.

Arivazhagan is brilliant with the direction part. He is also superb in mixing crime and romantic threads in a wonderful way. Had he taken more care on the latter half where the film drags for almost fifteen minutes, Vaishali might have ended up as a complete film. Nevertheless he is here to stay and we can expect more such good stuff from him.
Plus Points:

- First half
- Thrilling elements
- Cinematography
- Background score

Minus points:

- Dragging flashback in second half
- Poor climax

Final Word: Vaishali – Watch it if you are looking for some ‘Vaividhyam’ in movies!

Box office predictions:

Vaishali managed to get a reasonable turn out for its first morning show. It has chances to do well in A centers if promoted well.

Vaishali Review rating: 3/5

Banner: Sri Venkateswara Creations
Cast: Aadhi, Sindhu Menon, Saranya Mohan,
Music: Thaman S
Director: Arivazhagan
Producer: Dil Raju

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Veera Movie Review – Raviteja

                 Raviteja who has been delivering successful films in a row is now back again as Veera. This film is directed by Ramesh Varma on Sanvi Productions banner. Mr. Perfect ladies Kajal and Taapsee played the female leads in it. Here is the detailed review of Veera…


Veera (Raviteja) comes in disguise of a security officer to save his sister (Sridevi) family which is being targeted by few goons from his bloody past. Veera is a good man who fights for his people. But his sister doesn’t like him to see as a killer. Therefore he hides that from her. However, she comes to know about this when her family gets brutally killed by Veera’s enemy Rayudu (Pradeep Rawat). Veera loses his wife Kabaddi Chitti (Kajal) and step mother (Roja) too. How he avenges their death and saves his sister family forms rest of the story.


                    Veera is a routine film blended with action, comedy and romance. Ramesh Varma who earlier directed Oka Oorilo and Ride has directed this film which is far different from his previous films. But is very similar to hundreds of Telugu films from the past.

                  Veera heads in the eighties kind of narration with a song-fight-comedy-song-fight… type of treatment. It lacks the soul and purpose to keep the audience glued to the screen. Highly predictable storyline and boring screenplay are the major drawbacks of this film. Anybody who is known for being immensely patient too will be tested by this torturous flick which never seizes on boring to the core.


                    Veera is for die hard mass fans who like to see severed limbs and arms flying all over the screen. Audience with sensibilities won’t like it a bit. This is one of the worst films that are released in the recent times, we can say.


           Raviteja looked unenthusiastic and uninteresting throughout the film. His chemistry with Brahmanandam is usually sparkling but it lacked the bite in Veera. There are two shades to his character and both of them are very badly done.

         Kajal is Okay when compared to Taapsee. Neither of them got any chance to leave a mark. Roja and Divyavani played two important characters and they proved that they have grown better with age. Sridevi gets her expressions right. Pradeep Rawat is standard. So are other baddies. Brahmanandam is below average. Ali is Okay up to some extent. Kick Shyam got wasted. Rest of the cast didn’t have anything special to mention.


Thaman SS music is routine. He is repeating himself very often. If he does the same very often he will soon see the exit door. A couple of songs are catchy and hum-able though. Abburi Ravi dialogs lacked the spice. He doesn’t have powerful lines to elevate the character of Veera. Chota K Naidu’s cinematography is fine. Editing by Gowtam Raju isn’t slick enough. Production values are good. So much money is spent and that could be seen on the screen.

Ramesh Varma isn’t a director material. His shot making and framing shows his inability. A reasonable director might have made a film out of this. Whereas Ramesh Varma made a disaster out of it. He should get back to basics if he wants to survive in the industry.

Plus Points:

- Raviteja up to some extent
- A couple of songs
- Production values

Minus points:

- Story and screenplay
- Too much blood and gore
- Lack of proper comedy
- So called entertaining scenes fell flat
- Direction

Final Word: Veera – Torture redefined!

Box office predictions:

Veera opened to weak collections all over. With the talk ranging from disaster to flop, it will find tough to get back the investment. Has a chance to do better in mass centers while it will be a washout in A centers.

Veera Review rating: 2/5

Banner: Sanvi Productions
Cast: Ravi Teja, Kajal Aggarwal, Shaam, Taapsee Pannu
Editing: Marthand K. Venkatesh
Cinematography: Chota K. Naidu
Story: Parachuri Brothers
Music: Thaman
Producer: Ganesh Indukuri
Director: Ramesh Varma

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Seema Tapakai Review


 Allari Naresh, who has been consistently delivering hits in his ‘zone’, is back with Seema Tapakai. Directed by G. Nageswara Reddy, Seema Tapakaya attracted comedy film lovers with fun filled trailers. Audience expected a laugh riot out of this. Read on Seema Tapakai Review…


Sri Krishna (Allari Naresh) is the son of a multimillionaire (Sayaji Shinde). He falls in love with the girl named Satya (Poorna) who hates millionaires and serves the poor. Sri Krishna bluffs her that he is a poor man and also makes his family to act like poor people. But he doesn’t know about Satya’s background which will put him and his family in furthermore trouble.


Like all Allari Naresh films, Seema Tapakai is also made with single agenda i.e. to make audience laugh. G. Nageswara Reddy succeeded up to some extent in making this film a ‘laugh riot’. But it turned out to be a ‘riot’ as it headed towards the climax. Whole film drives on a single point and that is the reason why it turns tiresome after the first hour.

Scenes and situations too didn’t help much. Many gags failed to tickle and the characterizations, writing let the film down. What’s more painful is ST turns sentimental all of a sudden as ‘glycerin rain’ pours down for almost fifteen minutes at a stretch

Scenes involving Jaya Prakash Reddy and the parody on recent hit songs pulled the film from ending up as a disaster. On a whole, Seema Tapakai is just another Allari Naresh flick which doesn’t need immediate attention. You can happily wait for the DVD.


Allari Naresh is in his usual self. He is supremely confident as an actor now. His lengthy dialogue on rich and poor is worth a whistle. Poorna resembles Asin in many angles.

Her performance is okay and she didn’t hesitate to show off her assets. However, Poorna needs to concentrate on her physique and slim down immediately if she is hoping for a longtime career in Tollywood. The characterization of heroine is the most irksome part in this movie. She continues to mouth the same dialogues throughout leaving audience in agony.

Sayaji Shinde is good. Nagineedu is wooden. Brahmanandam’s comedy hardly clicks. LB Sriram is Okay. Vennela Kishore has few light moments. Rest of the star cast did their bit.

Vandemataram Srinivas’s music is not bad. But excessive usage of rap mix is not required. Most of the songs are picturized in same fashion. Much talked about Akasamlo Oka Taara remix is pathetic at best. Marudhuri Raja dialogs hardly evokes laughs. Cinematography and editing are up to the standards of a low budget film.

Director Nageswara Reddy tried to make this film another faction comedy ala Seema Sasthri but he ended up making just half of it.

Plus Points:
- Few comedy scenes in the first hour
- Allari Naresh
- A couple of dance numbers

Minus points:
- Comedy scenes failed to tickle
- Dragging second hour

Final Word: Seema Tapakai – This cracker lacks the spark and sound!

Box office predictions:
It is made on a low budget and hence has a chance to recover the production cost if the masses lap it up.

Seema Tapakai Review rating: 2.5/5

Banner: Wellfare Creations
Cast: Poorna, Allari Naresh
Music: Vandemataram Srinivas
Producer: G Nageshwara Reddy
Direction: Vijay Prasad Malla